Atacama Desert Facts
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did u know
We all know that deserts are one of the driest places in the world but did you know that the Atacama desert in Chile is the driest. To understand what that really means let’s take as an example the Sahara desert (the worlds largest hot desert) and note that it receives a meager 2mm of rain each year.
Now if you think that’s nothing then just imagine how dry the Atacama is when it receives just 0.1mm per year. In fact some parts of the desert have not seen rainfall for over 400 years making it in most estimations the driest place on the planet earth.
Looks Like Mars
Located west of the Andes and sprawling across a stretch of almost 600 miles a small region of the Atacama is so unlike anything else on the planet that it’s been compared to Mars. In fact due to it’s strange appearance not only have movies been filmed there e.g. Space Odyssey but NASA have continued to use it as their testing grounds for equipment, projects and instruments when preparing for Mars space missions.
Do People Live There?
For an extremely harsh environment you’d be surprised if anything could survive there, however there are small communities located near the various natural oases that exist within the desert. In fact some of these settlements have been populated for thousands of years going back as far as the earliest of ancient civilisations.
Sodium Nitrate
As well as being extremely rich in copper it also carries the largest natural supply of sodium nitrate. This was mined heavily in the early 20th century for use in fertilizers and gun powder. However after the discovery of the Haber process (early-mid 20th century) sodium nitrate could now be synthetically produced and most of these mines were closed.
According to estimates the desert is still littered with up to 170 of these old mining towns which lie completely abandoned like ghost towns.
Astronomy, Astronomy, Astronomy
The Atacama is also one of the best places in the world for astronomy. Thanks to its location (i.e. high altitude), dry weather (i.e. very little cloud cover) and non existant light pollution it’s home to two of the worlds top observatories. Namely the La Silla and Paranal observatories owned and operated by the European Southern Observatory.
In addition to these on the 3rd October 2011 it also officially became home to the most expensive ground telescope in the world, otherwise known as ALMA. The telescope consists of an array of 66 radio telescopes all using radio waves to peer deep into space helping us learn more about star formations especially during the early years of the universe.
So there you go, that’s the Atacama desert for you. Hope you enjoyed the facts.
P/S- article thanks to deepspace at

Chicken Chop
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Bahan-bahan ( 2 orang )
•2 paha ayam (kalo suke, debone kan. kalo malas, biar je tulang nye)
•2 ulas bawang putih (cincang)
•1 cm halia (cincang)
•1/2 sudu teh serbuk lada hitam
•2 sudu besar sos cili
•1 sudu besar sos tomato
•1 sudu besar sos Lee & Perrins
•1 sudu besar kicap manis
•1 sudu besar kicap masin
•1 sudu besar sos tiram
•1 sudu besar madu
•garam secukup rasa
•1/2 botol sos lada hitam
•2-3 sudu besar sos tiram
•3-4 cendawan butang (cincang)
•1/2 biji bawang besar (cincang)
•garam/gula secukup rasa
1.gaulkan ayam dengan bahan perapan dan biarkan semalaman. Cucuk-cucukkan ayam dengan garfu supaya bahan perapan dpt diserap dengan elok.
2.selepas diperap semalaman, sediakan non-stick pan untuk tujuan menggoreng ayam. Goreng dengan minyak yg sedikit saja dan tutupkan pan sehingga ayam dah separuh masak.
3.balik-balikkan ayam sehingga masak (tapi jgn terlalu masak agar ayam tetap juicy).
4.lebihan bahan perapan tadi boleh la dijadikan sos utk dituangkan ke atas ayam yg dah siap.
5.tapi kalo rase tak cukup je sos marinate tu, boleh sediakan sos black pepper nya spt yang tertera di atas.
6.caranya dengan memasak bahan2 sos black pepper selama satu minit dan adjust la kepekatannya dengan menambah sedikit air, garam dan gula secukup rasa. OK?
P/S- thanks and credit to who create this recipe..aRMaNiZaN. Selamat mencuba
Lori Terbalik Highway Sg Buloh-Subang @ Kota Damansara
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Electronic Cigarette Benefit
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Electronic cigarettes are devices which are used by smokers to replace their conventional cigarettes. This is a healthier way of smoking and the manufacturers claim that this can really help people in stopping and reducing addiction. The person inhales the vaporized nicotine produced by this device. This nicotine is produced from the propylene glycol. This is called nicotine solution which gets vaporized once the sensors that are present in the device detect air flow from the mouth piece when the user tries to smoke. The flavor experienced by the smoker is almost the same when they inhaled a tobacco.
Electronic cigarettes are non-polluting, non-flammable and non-carcinogenic. The smoker can inhale just the nicotine vapor and is not affected by that tar and tobacco which is found in the cigarettes. The state-of-the-art micro-electronic technology provides the user a real-time experience of smoking without affecting the environment and the people around. Normal cigarettes release about 4000 harmful chemical substances in addition to nicotine. This is avoided by the electronic cigarettes. The ingredients of the electronic cigarettes are not cancer-causing agents.
Electronic cigarettes have come a long way from their initial version. The current version looks more realistic and is comparatively more user friendly as compared to the earlier ones. The user gets almost the same satisfaction as the conventional cigarette. However, the major advantage is that it just offers ‘the experience’ of smoking but does not produce smoke. Unlike traditional cigarettes which release a cloud of smoke after a puff, there is no visual residue while using electronic cigarettes. Hence, people around are not affected due to passive smoking. The usual effects of smoking like development of yellow fingers and teeth are completely prevented.
But, while using the electronic cigarette, the user would not know how much of nicotine vapor they have inhaled which is quite dangerous. This is because when the smoker uses a cigarette, they stop once a whole cigarette is exhausted. Electronic cigarettes would work as long as the battery is charged. Even if the charge gets exhausted, nicotine solution is still present. A fully charged electronic cigarette can work for several hours thus, the user should be aware of the amount of vapor he is inhaling. Too much of inhaling can cause side effects of excessive nicotine in the body.
Electronic cigarettes are not legal in all the countries around the world. Beginners should be careful enough to inhale mild doses of nicotine vapor. There is a legal age to start using these devices. The effect of the electronic cigarettes is the same as the real cigarettes. However, since the vapor released by the electronic cigarettes is harmless, it can be used in a non-smoking or smoking-prohibited areas like restaurants, parks and public areas.
Smokers can enjoy and experience the physical and emotional sensations of electronic cigarettes. Though the nicotine side effects are still present, the other more serious problems caused due to the harmful ingredients of cigarettes can be totally eliminated.
Lastly, smoking using electronic cigarettes is comparatively cheaper than the traditional smoking.
article thanks to Jonathan Pitts at
So now change to SmokerHaven E-Cig
Electronic cigarettes are non-polluting, non-flammable and non-carcinogenic. The smoker can inhale just the nicotine vapor and is not affected by that tar and tobacco which is found in the cigarettes. The state-of-the-art micro-electronic technology provides the user a real-time experience of smoking without affecting the environment and the people around. Normal cigarettes release about 4000 harmful chemical substances in addition to nicotine. This is avoided by the electronic cigarettes. The ingredients of the electronic cigarettes are not cancer-causing agents.
Electronic cigarettes have come a long way from their initial version. The current version looks more realistic and is comparatively more user friendly as compared to the earlier ones. The user gets almost the same satisfaction as the conventional cigarette. However, the major advantage is that it just offers ‘the experience’ of smoking but does not produce smoke. Unlike traditional cigarettes which release a cloud of smoke after a puff, there is no visual residue while using electronic cigarettes. Hence, people around are not affected due to passive smoking. The usual effects of smoking like development of yellow fingers and teeth are completely prevented.
But, while using the electronic cigarette, the user would not know how much of nicotine vapor they have inhaled which is quite dangerous. This is because when the smoker uses a cigarette, they stop once a whole cigarette is exhausted. Electronic cigarettes would work as long as the battery is charged. Even if the charge gets exhausted, nicotine solution is still present. A fully charged electronic cigarette can work for several hours thus, the user should be aware of the amount of vapor he is inhaling. Too much of inhaling can cause side effects of excessive nicotine in the body.
Electronic cigarettes are not legal in all the countries around the world. Beginners should be careful enough to inhale mild doses of nicotine vapor. There is a legal age to start using these devices. The effect of the electronic cigarettes is the same as the real cigarettes. However, since the vapor released by the electronic cigarettes is harmless, it can be used in a non-smoking or smoking-prohibited areas like restaurants, parks and public areas.
Smokers can enjoy and experience the physical and emotional sensations of electronic cigarettes. Though the nicotine side effects are still present, the other more serious problems caused due to the harmful ingredients of cigarettes can be totally eliminated.
Lastly, smoking using electronic cigarettes is comparatively cheaper than the traditional smoking.
article thanks to Jonathan Pitts at
So now change to SmokerHaven E-Cig
Alhamdulillah.. Rezeki aRMaNiZaN 2012
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Sekarang dah masuk bulan March 2012 dan. Sekejap rasanya tahun ni berlalu. Banyak dah liku-liku yang terpaksa kawe tempuhi. Paling tak daat dilupakan bila doktor sahkan wife kawe pregnant. Alhamdulillah... segala puji hanya untuk ALLAH S.W.T. Tuhan semesta alam. Kawan-kawan blogger dan blogwalker sekalian, doakan agar July 2012 ni akan lahirlah seorang lagi umat Rasulullah S.A.W. ke dunia. Moga ALLAH S.W.T pelihara isteri dan anak kawe dalam kandungan.. Sama-sama berdoa ye sahabat semua..
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