Notes From Old Diary: Journey From Mystery Island


Day 1
…..after my ship sank, i was floating in sea and finally found myself lay in beach. what i see is I’m in an island. this island is really weird and have fog forest. their forest just like pre-historic forest. full with gigantic and strange tree. At that time, the sun ready to set and it’s getting dark. Alone in weird place make me feel cold. On my body only my wet shirt, mt trousers and my bag (inside my bag it’s only some night snacks, a book, pens, and a whistle)

because too hungry, i just walking and try to find some food to fill my stomach. My snacks can’t help it. deeper i walk into that jungle, i see that jungle more become mysterious. that jungle, from green become dark fog forest.

After walking for a long hour, i finally found a place look like a village. i was really happy because finally safe. i think they have food and shall help me. so i went to that village and try to find people. actually, this village really weird because they are surrounding by steel cage around the whole village. It's look like a big village prison. I meet a lot of people..

people here are really kind. they just like me, normal human. but their clothes are really weird. they wear a clothes just like people in around ‘Robin Hood’ era. They just look like historic people. And their house was made by wood and also some place like window and door made from steel. Their village is round pattern, surround with steel cage like huge bird nest on ground and have shop, food stall, fruit market. T also can see their road is made from stone that cut triangle piece by piece. And they also built wall to separate each other house. Their house, road really systematic. Only their clothes is out of way. they live in harmony and speaking in weird language. but, some of them can speak English. there also many kids playing. when they saw me, these kids came and hug me. They called me ‘stranger’. Me stranger?

Day 3

After four day stay with them I start feel something strange. In short time, i realize that something weird about this people. they are eating fresh meat without cook them they also doing something like religion ritual. one more scary thing is every night they told me not to go outside from my house and don't try look out. they told me to lock all off my door and window and sealed them inside using strong steel plate. and they said i must stay in underground room after sealing and lock my steel door, window and i only permission to get out after morning...

this morning, when i woke up, they just live in normal without talking about weird voice and scream. i afraid if i ask them will make them angry so i just shut my mouth and follow their life because they are kind to me. It’s just like rumours said, ‘when you near this triangle, your ship will sank and you will die. If you alive, you will found yourself in an island with weird people. You just give your life if you join them. Beware of night and don’t trust your eye. Find a way out after you realize something weird. Don’t stay after seven weeks. You will die’. This rumours was write down by Captain Belline. A man survive from that triangle. All of his crews die and after ten years, he appears in public and claim that he is Captain Belline. Captain for Ocean Wind Ship who ‘lost’ in triangle area and survive after ten horrible years.

to be continue.....
Property of
Mohd Arman Arifin (aRMaNiZaN)
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2 Response to "Notes From Old Diary: Journey From Mystery Island"

  1. talkIZcheap! says:
    January 31, 2010 at 10:04 PM

    kemah mung nulih BI loni wey, huhu.. (pokjak)

  2. aRMaNiZaN says:
    February 1, 2010 at 9:55 AM

    kemas ko? sikit2 jas